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GNU Debugger 🐞


The GDB or GNU Debugger is one of the command line utilities which can be used efficiently to debug the execution of any unknown binary. It provides various facilities like stepping through code execution, inspecting stack, registers etc. and also setting breakpoints at specific address and/or function names.

It also provides convenient commands to statically inspect the binary sections, its headers and the symbol tables. Function names can be also extracted out from the binary to facilitate setting breakpoints at known execution points.

I generally use GDB in combination with Ghidra where in I prefer GDB for breakpoint and dynamic analysis and Ghidra for disassembling and reconstruting the source code. Somehow the execution of binary in Ghidra does not appeal me.

Table of contents

  1. Installing GDB
    1. Pre-built installation
    2. Compiling from sources
  2. Using GDB
  3. Installing PWNDBG
  4. Working with PWNDBG

Installing GDB

Installing GDB, the GNU Debugger is quite easy on Linux based systems. However if you are using Linux distro’s focussed towards penetration testing like Kali linux or Parrot OS, GDB would most probably be already available in your box.

To test the same run gdb --version from your terminal. If the output gives details on the version of GDB installed, then you are good to proceed further. Otherwise follow rest of this section.

GDB can be installed using one of the below two methods:

  1. from pre-built packages available in your distro’s package manager (recommended)
  2. compile GDB from source and install

Pre-built installation

If you are running a Linux distribution with either yum or apt package manager, proceed to install from your package manager.

On a Debian based system with apt package manager run the below commands:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install gdb

On a RedHat based system with yum package manager run the below commands:

$ sudo yum update
$ sudo yum install gdb

Once the installation has succeeded re-open a new terminal and run the command gdb --version to ensure that the installation is proper and usable.

Compiling from sources

If you are not able to use the above method, or wish to use a recent version of GDB than available in the official repository proceed with compiling from the sources.

Download the latest release of GDB supported for your OS version from here and extract it.

$ wget ""
$ tar -xvzf gdb-7.11.tar.gz

Configure GDB and compile it as per your system environment. This step will take quite some time and you need to be patient and let the compilation complete.

$ cd gdb-7.11
gdb-7.11/$ ./configure
gdb-7.11/$ make

Install GDB now.

$ make install

Once the above steps completed without any errors, run the command gdb --version to ensure that the installation is proper and usable.

Using GDB

GDB is a debugger and a disassembler which supports a variety of binaries written in different languages. A comprehensive list of languages supported by GDB is available here. To start GDB, we need to have a supported binary with executable permissions and run the command gdb <path-to-binary>.

This will load the binary into GDB in the background and provide us with the GDB prompt. The GDB prompt is a new command line which takes in GDB specific commands using which we can analyze, debug and visualize the control flow of the binary loaded.

In general the below are the basic commands which are necessarily run to understand the binary:

  • info functions : Prints all the functions available in the binary along with its address offset.
  • br <function-name> : Sets a break point at the starting address of the given function name.
  • disassemble <function-name> : Prints the machine op codes of the given function name along with the address offsets of each of the op codes.
  • br *0x<hex-address> : This sets a breakpoint at the specified hex address.
  • run <cmd-line-args-if-any> : It will run the binary with the args passed.
  • continue : Continues to program execution untill the next breakpoint.
  • step <number-of-lines> : This will step through execution for the specified number of lines. If number is not specified, it will step one line at a time.
  • quit : Quits the GDB and falls back to the terminal prompt.

A complete reference of the GDB commands is available here. A more concise and easy to use cheat sheet is available here.

Installing PWNDBG

Vanilla GDB is not user friendly and needs us to have a lot of knowledge on the base architecture of the OS on which it is running and the behavior has to be understood with respect to the OS on which it is running. To overcome this problem and also provide some extra useful commands various plugins for GDB are developed.

One of the widely used plugins is pwndbg which provides extra commands catered to pwning binaries. Also it normalizes many architecture based differences that plague GDB. I highly recommend installing this plugin as it gives a nice view of the stack, registers and program execution flow while hitting breakpoints or seg faulting.

To install pwndbg, refer here. The steps are pretty simple and need to be installed by compiling the source. We can ensure the installation by running gdb with a binary again. This time the prompt for gdb terminal would change to pwndbg instead of the previously seen gdb prompt.

Working with PWNDBG

All commands that run on GDB will also run in PWNDBG terminal. So that way if you are used to GDB, you can additionally install PWNDBG for the extra commands provided by it.

One of the handy commands is cyclic <number-of-bytes>. This generates a cyclic pattern string which can be given as input to a buffer overflow scenario. The use is that we can easily find the offset of the value loaded into the required stack frame or register. This offset will help us to identify the number of bytes after which our overflow payload should be put so that it fills the exact stack location that contains the return address which will be called when the next RET instruction is executed.

An example of the same can be viewed here which helps in solving one of the CTF challenges.

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Page last modified: 29 Sep, 2021 at 11:05 PM .