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Every bit counts 👨‍💻


The challenge was part of the reversing challenges, and was medium-to-hard difficulty. In this challenge we are presented with the below challenge instructions and a file which can be downloaded from here or here.

Challenge instructions:

My colleague is a senior C developer and he had a bad experience in his job assignment. He was developing applications for a real-time embedded operating system named “Buggy OS™”. He had to implement workarounds to avoid using the standard C library in some cases.

For instance the memcmp shouldn’t be used to test command-line argument because of obscure reason resulting in some bits were not checked. Instead he implemented its own function to check each bit of the command-line and it was working fine.

To show case how painful it was, he showed me one of its application implementing his new function, but he forgot the supported command-line parameter.

Note: Solution with cool effects shared in comments section of the challenge

We are given a binary file with no extension. In general based on prior coding experience such files are mostly executable.

To determine the file type we can use any of the utilities mentioned below on a Linux box:

  1. files every_bit_counts
  2. exiftool every_bit_counts

Both the commands give us the information that the given binary is an ELF executable. ELF stands for Executable Linux Format. I recommend everyone not familiar with ELF to read the linked document for a comprehensive introduction.

Click here to view full output of the commands
└─$ exiftool every_bit_counts     
ExifTool Version Number         : 12.16
File Name                       : every_bit_counts
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 16 KiB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2021:08:29 19:27:05+05:30
File Access Date/Time           : 2021:09:14 21:21:44+05:30
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2021:08:29 19:27:55+05:30
File Permissions                : rwxr-xr-x
File Type                       : ELF executable
File Type Extension             : 
MIME Type                       : application/octet-stream
CPU Architecture                : 64 bit
CPU Byte Order                  : Little endian
Object File Type                : Executable file
CPU Type                        : AMD x86-64
└─$ file every_bit_counts 
every_bit_counts: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, stripped

So now we are clear that it is some Linux executable and we run it to see what the binary does. Obviously we wont be that lucky and the binary spit out some error messages as seen below.

Every bit counts initial execution

Another check that is often done to check if the flag is not hidden as a normal string within the binary is to use the strings command. This command basically prints out all strings that are made of human readable characters and with a minimum length. Again obviously this challenge was not meant to be that easy.

From the error messages it is clear that it expects some kind of input or the flag is hidden behind the binariy’s logic. Also standing with the challenge category it is pretty evident that we need to reverse engineer the binary and look into its logic.

A quick web search on reversing binaries lead us to a tool from the NSA, named Ghidra. This helps us to quickly create a project and load the source code from the binary. The loaded project within the tool looks as below: Ghidra project load view

The above view shows a disassembled code in the main pane and its corresponding unobfuscated code to its right. The left pane has all kinds of navigation aids to go through the code.


The retrieved code is just a representation of the original source and might
miss some parts due to obfuscation techniques used by the adversary as highlighted here. So be sure to always look at the code with some suspicion in real CTF challenges.

Once the binary is loaded into the tool, we need to find the main method which is generally the initial entry to our source code. But the actual entry point in the binary is different from the actual main method and in Ghidra it is generally indicated as the _entry under the Functions list.

We pop open the source of the _entry method which ultimately just calls the main method along with its other parameters. You can view a glmipse of the code in the below image:

Reversed main method

Click here to view the complete code
Note: Its an awfully long code
undefined8 main(int param_1,undefined8 *param_2)
  undefined8 uVar1;
  size_t sVar2;
  if (param_1 == 2) {
    sVar2 = strlen((char *)param_2[1]);
    if (sVar2 == 0x34) {
      if (((((((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1c) & 0x20) == 0) &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x24) & 0x10) != 0)) &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2f) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
               (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x20) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2b) & 4) != 0)))) &&
              ((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x32) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
               (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 8) & 1) != 0 && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2e) & 4) != 0)))
               ))) && (((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x20) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                        ((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 8) & 4) == 0 &&
                            ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x30) & 0x10) != 0)) &&
                           (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x10) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                          ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x13) & 8) == 0 &&
                            ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 8) & 0x40) != 0)) &&
                           (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2b) & 0x10) != 0 &&
                            (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xf) & 4) != 0 &&
                             ((*(byte *)param_2[1] & 4) == 0)))))))) &&
                         ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2b) & 8) == 0)))) &&
                       (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x19) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                          ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 4) & 1) != 0)) &&
                         (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x2b) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                        ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2c) & 8) == 0 &&
                          ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x21) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
                         (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1d) & 0x10) == 0 &&
                          (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x21) & 1) != 0 &&
                           ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1c) & 0x40) != 0)))))))))))) &&
            ((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x17) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x18) & 1) != 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x27) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x25) & 4) == 0)) &&
                 ((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0xd) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x31) & 0x20) != 0)))))) &&
               ((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 9) & 4) != 0 &&
                   (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 7) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                    ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x30) & 4) == 0)))) &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x12) & 4) == 0)) &&
                 (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2d) & 4) == 0 &&
                    ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1e) & 0x10) != 0)) &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 7) & 0x10) == 0)) &&
                  ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x31) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                    (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 2) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                   (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xc) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                    (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x25) & 8) == 0 &&
                     ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1d) & 8) == 0)))))))))) &&
                (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1d) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                 ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x32) & 2) != 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2d) & 1) == 0)) &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 10) & 0x10) != 0)))))))) &&
              ((((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x28) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x12) & 2) == 0)) &&
                (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2b) & 1) != 0 &&
                 ((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x1a) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                  (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x33) & 0x80U) == 0)))))) &&
               ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x14) & 4) != 0)))) &&
             ((((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1e) & 8) != 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 4) & 0x10) == 0)) &&
                  (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 4) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                 (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x15) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                  (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x17) & 0x80U) == 0)))) &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xc) & 0x10) != 0)) &&
               ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x29) & 1) != 0 &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xd) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
                (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x24) & 1) == 0 &&
                 ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 1) & 1) == 0 &&
                   (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x13) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                  (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 5) & 0x80U) == 0)))))))) &&
              ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x32) & 0x40) == 0 &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 8) & 0x10) != 0)) &&
               (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x23) & 8) == 0 &&
                ((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 9) & 8) == 0 && ((*(byte *)param_2[1] & 2) != 0)) &&
                   ((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x15) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                    ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 7) & 1) == 0 &&
                      ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x29) & 8) != 0)) &&
                     (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 3) & 0x80U) == 0)))))) &&
                  (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xe) & 2) != 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x16) & 2) != 0)))) &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x17) & 1) != 0)))))))))))) &&
           (((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x27) & 2) != 0 &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x10) & 0x20) == 0)) &&
               (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 6) & 8) == 0 &&
                (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1a) & 1) == 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1e) & 4) != 0)) &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1a) & 2) != 0)) &&
                 ((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x1e) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                  (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x16) & 0x80U) == 0)))))))) &&
              ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x23) & 0x10) == 0)) &&
             (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x30) & 1) != 0 && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x21) & 4) != 0))
             )) && (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 4) & 4) != 0 &&
                      (((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x24) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1f) & 8) != 0)) &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 1) & 2) == 0)))) &&
                     ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x22) & 4) != 0 &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x10) & 1) != 0)) &&
                      ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 3) & 0x10) == 0)))) &&
                    (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x16) & 0x10) != 0 &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2a) & 1) != 0)) &&
                      ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xb) & 1) != 0 &&
                        ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 1) & 0x10) != 0 &&
                          ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 2) & 4) != 0)) &&
                         ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 10) & 8) == 0)))) &&
                       (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x13) & 1) != 0 &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x24) & 8) == 0)))))) &&
                     ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 4) & 8) == 0 &&
                       (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 2) & 1) == 0 &&
                          ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1b) & 0x10) == 0)) &&
                         (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 9) & 1) != 0 &&
                          (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xd) & 2) == 0 &&
                             ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 5) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
                            ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x11) & 0x10) == 0)) &&
                           (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xd) & 0x10) != 0 &&
                            ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xd) & 0x40) != 0)))))))) &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 3) & 4) != 0)))) &&
                      (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 7) & 2) != 0 &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x10) & 2) != 0)))))))))))) &&
          (((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x20) & 8) == 0 &&
               ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x23) & 2) == 0 &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x31) & 8) == 0)) &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1b) & 4) != 0)))) &&
              (((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x2f) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xd) & 8) != 0)) &&
               (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 1) & 0x80U) == 0)))) &&
             (((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x26) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
               ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x24) & 4) == 0)) &&
              (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x33) & 0x10) != 0 &&
               ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x17) & 0x20) == 0 &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 6) & 2) != 0)) &&
                (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x23) & 0x80U) == 0)))))))) &&
            ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x14) & 0x20) != 0 &&
              ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 9) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
             (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2d) & 0x20) != 0 &&
              ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xc) & 2) != 0 && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 6) & 0x10) != 0)
                ) && (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x22) & 8) != 0 &&
                      (((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1a) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                           ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x17) & 2) == 0)) &&
                          ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xe) & 0x10) == 0)) &&
                         (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xc) & 8) != 0 &&
                          (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x22) & 0x80U) == 0)))) &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x10) & 4) != 0)) &&
                       (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 3) & 2) == 0 &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x31) & 2) != 0)))))))))))))) &&
           (((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x16) & 0x20) == 0 &&
                (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x15) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x29) & 0x20) == 0)) &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x25) & 2) != 0)) &&
                 ((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x12) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 7) & 4) != 0)))))) &&
               (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2f) & 4) != 0 &&
                  (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 10) & 2) == 0 &&
                   (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0xb) & 0x80U) == 0)))) &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x20) & 4) == 0)) &&
                ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x26) & 0x40) != 0 && ((*(byte *)param_2[1] & 0x10) == 0)
                  ) && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 2) & 0x40) != 0)))))) &&
              ((((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x1c) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2b) & 0x40) != 0)) &&
                (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2f) & 8) != 0 &&
                 (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2c) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x18) & 0x20) != 0)))))) &&
               ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 9) & 2) != 0)))) &&
             (((((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 6) & 4) == 0 &&
                    ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x31) & 4) == 0)) && ((*(byte *)param_2[1] & 8) == 0))
                  && (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xb) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                      ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 5) & 1) != 0)))) &&
                 (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x14) & 8) != 0 &&
                  (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2f) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x26) & 8) != 0)))))) &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x19) & 4) != 0)) &&
               (((((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x21) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 5) & 8) == 0)) &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x28) & 0x10) == 0)) &&
                 ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x19) & 0x10) != 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x25) & 1) != 0)) &&
                  (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 2) & 8) == 0 &&
                   (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2a) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                    ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 9) & 0x10) != 0)))))))) &&
                ((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x2e) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                 (((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x29) & 4) != 0 &&
                      ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x29) & 0x10) != 0)) &&
                     (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x1d) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                    ((((*(byte *)param_2[1] & 0x20) == 0 &&
                      ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x25) & 0x40) == 0)) &&
                     ((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x19) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                      (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x17) & 0x10) == 0 &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1b) & 1) == 0)))))))) &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xf) & 0x10) != 0)) &&
                  (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1f) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                     ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2a) & 0x10) == 0)) &&
                    ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 10) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
                   (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x30) & 0x40) == 0 &&
                    (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0xf) & 0x80U) == 0)))))))))))) &&
              ((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1c) & 8) == 0 &&
                  (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x27) & 1) != 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x28) & 2) != 0)))) &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x32) & 4) == 0)) &&
                ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x27) & 0x10) != 0 &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2a) & 4) != 0)) &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2d) & 8) != 0)))) &&
               (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xd) & 4) == 0 &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x33) & 0x20) != 0)))))))) &&
            ((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x15) & 8) == 0 &&
                (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x20) & 2) == 0 &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1d) & 4) != 0)))) &&
               ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1e) & 1) != 0)) &&
              (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2c) & 2) != 0 && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 3) & 8) != 0))
                && (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 10) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
               ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x33) & 2) == 0 &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x26) & 1) != 0)) &&
                (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x13) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                 (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x27) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1b) & 0x20) != 0)))))))))) &&
             ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2d) & 0x40) != 0)))))))) &&
         (((((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 2) & 2) != 0 && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1b) & 8) != 0))
               && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xb) & 0x10) != 0)) &&
              (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x18) & 0x40) != 0 && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 5) & 2) == 0)
               ))) && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x19) & 2) != 0)) &&
            ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1a) & 0x40) != 0 &&
              ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x18) & 4) == 0)) &&
             (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 4) & 0x40) != 0 &&
              ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2f) & 0x10) == 0 &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x29) & 0x40) != 0)) &&
               ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x22) & 0x10) != 0)))))))) &&
           ((((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x23) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 5) & 4) == 0)) &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x15) & 2) == 0)) &&
               (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2d) & 0x10) == 0 &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x24) & 2) != 0)))) &&
              ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x28) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x15) & 4) != 0 &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x13) & 4) != 0)) &&
                 (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0xc) & 0x80U) == 0)))) &&
               ((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2a) & 2) == 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 1) & 8) == 0)) &&
                  (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x10) & 0x10) != 0 &&
                   ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x23) & 4) == 0 &&
                     ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xd) & 1) != 0)) &&
                    (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 1) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                     (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2e) & 1) != 0 &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1f) & 0x10) != 0)) &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x26) & 4) != 0)) &&
                      (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2f) & 2) != 0 &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x26) & 2) != 0)))))))))))) &&
                 (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x25) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1c) & 2) == 0 &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 10) & 0x40) == 0)) &&
                 ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2e) & 0x10) != 0 &&
                   (((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x27) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                     ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2e) & 0x20) == 0)) &&
                    ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1f) & 1) != 0)))) &&
                  ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x25) & 0x10) != 0 && ((*(byte *)param_2[1] & 1) != 0))
                   && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x11) & 0x20) != 0)))))))))))) &&
             ((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xb) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                 (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x31) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x12) & 8) == 0 &&
                 ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x16) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1c) & 4) == 0)) &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xe) & 8) != 0)))))) &&
               (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x30) & 8) == 0 &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 6) & 0x40) != 0)))) &&
              (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xc) & 0x20) == 0 &&
                 ((((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x30) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1f) & 4) == 0)) &&
                      (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2e) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                       (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x21) & 8) == 0 &&
                          (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x2a) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                         ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xf) & 1) != 0)) &&
                        ((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x18) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                         ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xc) & 4) != 0)))))))) &&
                     ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x15) & 0x10) == 0)) &&
                    (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x15) & 1) == 0 &&
                     ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1f) & 0x20) != 0)))) &&
                   ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1a) & 4) != 0 &&
                     ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x33) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2a) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
                      ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xc) & 1) != 0)))) &&
                    ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xf) & 8) == 0 &&
                      (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x1b) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                     ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x22) & 2) != 0)))))) &&
                  (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 6) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x17) & 8) != 0)))))) &&
                (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x27) & 4) == 0 &&
                 ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x12) & 1) == 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x20) & 0x10) != 0)) &&
                  ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1c) & 1) == 0)))))) &&
               ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2e) & 2) != 0 &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xb) & 2) != 0)) &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1c) & 0x10) == 0)))))))) &&
            (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1d) & 2) != 0 && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2f) & 1) == 0)
               ) && (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x11) & 4) != 0 &&
                     ((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xe) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                         ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2b) & 2) == 0)) &&
                        (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x1f) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                       (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1f) & 2) == 0 &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x23) & 0x20) == 0)))) &&
                      ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xf) & 0x40) != 0)))))) &&
             ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1e) & 0x20) == 0 &&
               (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x2d) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
              (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 9) & 0x40) != 0 &&
               ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 7) & 8) != 0 && (((int)*(char *)param_2[1] & 0x80U) == 0))
                && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x26) & 0x20) == 0)))))))))))) &&
          ((((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x25) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x16) & 1) != 0)) &&
               (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x32) & 0x10) != 0 &&
                (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x33) & 4) != 0 &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2c) & 0x10) == 0)))))) &&
              ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x19) & 0x20) == 0)) &&
             (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x22) & 0x20) == 0 &&
                (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x2c) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
               ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 5) & 0x10) == 0)) &&
              (((*(byte *)param_2[1] & 0x40) != 0 && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x14) & 0x10) == 0))))
             )) && ((((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 8) & 8) != 0 &&
                         ((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x11) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                          ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x23) & 1) != 0)))) &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x21) & 0x10) != 0)) &&
                       (((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x20) & 1) == 0 &&
                            ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x27) & 8) == 0)) &&
                           ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 4) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
                          (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x16) & 4) != 0 &&
                           (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0xe) & 0x80U) == 0)))) &&
                         ((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x14) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                          (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x14) & 2) != 0 &&
                           ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x17) & 4) != 0)))))) &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2b) & 0x20) != 0)))) &&
                      (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x22) & 1) != 0 &&
                         ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x24) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2e) & 8) != 0)) &&
                       (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1e) & 2) != 0 &&
                          ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 8) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
                         (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x11) & 2) != 0 &&
                          (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1b) & 2) == 0 &&
                           ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x13) & 2) == 0)))))) &&
                        (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 7) & 0x80U) == 0)))))) &&
                     ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 3) & 1) == 0 &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 1) & 0x20) == 0)) &&
                      ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1e) & 0x40) != 0)))) &&
                    (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 5) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                     ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x22) & 0x40) != 0)))))) &&
           ((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1a) & 0x10) == 0 &&
               (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 3) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x29) & 0x80U) == 0)))) &&
              (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x28) & 1) != 0 &&
               (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2d) & 2) == 0 && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 1) & 4) != 0)
                  ) && ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1a) & 8) == 0)) &&
                ((((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 0x30) & 0x80U) == 0 &&
                 ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x19) & 8) != 0)))))))) &&
             ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x11) & 0x40) != 0 &&
               (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1d) & 1) != 0 &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x21) & 0x40) != 0)))) &&
              (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1b) & 0x40) != 0 &&
               ((((((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x19) & 1) != 0 &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 10) & 1) == 0)) &&
                      ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 4) & 2) == 0)) &&
                     ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x28) & 4) != 0 &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 8) & 2) != 0)) &&
                      (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xf) & 2) == 0 &&
                       (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xe) & 1) != 0 &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 10) & 4) == 0)))))))) &&
                    ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2a) & 8) != 0)) &&
                   (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x32) & 8) == 0 &&
                      ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x26) & 0x10) != 0)) &&
                     ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x32) & 1) != 0)) &&
                    ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 2) & 0x10) == 0 &&
                      ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x33) & 1) != 0)) &&
                     ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2c) & 4) == 0 &&
                       (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1d) & 0x40) != 0 &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x10) & 0x40) != 0)))) &&
                      ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x18) & 0x10) != 0)))))))) &&
                  ((((((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x12) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x12) & 0x40) == 0)) &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x14) & 0x40) != 0)) &&
                      (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x20) & 0x40) == 0 &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xb) & 4) != 0)))) &&
                     ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 3) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
                    (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 2) & 0x20) == 0 &&
                     ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 7) & 0x40) != 0)))) &&
                   (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x29) & 2) != 0 &&
                    ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x31) & 0x10) == 0 &&
                      (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 9) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                     ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x30) & 2) == 0)))))))) &&
                 (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x18) & 2) == 0 &&
                    ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x24) & 0x40) != 0)) &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x11) & 1) == 0)) &&
                  (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x12) & 0x10) != 0 &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x13) & 0x10) != 0)))))) &&
                ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x32) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                  ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x28) & 0x20) != 0 &&
                    ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2c) & 0x40) != 0)) &&
                   ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x33) & 8) != 0)))) &&
                 ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xe) & 4) != 0 &&
                   (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 6) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                  (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x11) & 8) == 0 &&
                   ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x16) & 8) != 0 &&
                     ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x21) & 2) == 0)) &&
                    (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x14) & 1) == 0 &&
                     (((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 6) & 1) == 0 &&
                        ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x13) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
                       (((int)*(char *)(param_2[1] + 8) & 0x80U) == 0)) &&
                      (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x10) & 8) != 0 &&
                       ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xf) & 0x20) != 0)))))))))))))))))))))) &&
            (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xb) & 8) == 0 &&
             ((((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x18) & 8) != 0 &&
               ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0xe) & 0x40) != 0)) &&
              (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x28) & 8) != 0 &&
               (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x31) & 1) != 0 &&
                ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2c) & 1) != 0)))))))))))))))) {
        uVar1 = 0;
      else {
        uVar1 = 1;
    else {
      uVar1 = 2;
  else {
    uVar1 = 2;
  return uVar1;

The part of the logic that first struck me was the last part which prints the error/success messages. The same is shown in the image below. The part marked with (a) just prints that we have found the flag and all the other paths lead to one or the other error message.

Main logic part

This means that we need to be able to pass some argument which passes the humongous condition which when true prints the success message. What !? How is it even possible to do such a thing ?

Well, I too had a similar reaction and tried lots of crazy stuffs like just taking the hex values converting them to integers and looking up their ASCII characters in a hope that it was the real challenge. Nothing did work out.

So we had effectively hit a roadblock and when we get stuck the Web comes to our rescure. I resorted to web searches which went by the lines ‘Equation solver in python’, ‘Find values satisfying an equation’ etc.

After a trail of searches I landed on a Python tool from Microsoft called z3 solver. This was a theorem prover or in more sane terms an equation solver. It seemed intriguing and also had mentions in a lot of CTF write-ups at CTFTime for challenges that had similar equation solving at the heart of it.

Now I knew we need to use some equation solver but what is the equation that we need to solve ?

Looking into the long check I tried to wrap my head around it a bit. I took it part by part and that is exactly how I will break the code for you.

To start with we are presented with a check param_1 == 2 which needs to evaluate to true in order to be let into the check. Also the else part of this check presented us with an error message that indicated that we need to enter atleast one parameter. This means it was an argc check. Remember the default input fields for the main method, right the argc and argv. The param_1 corresponded to argc and param_2 corresponded to argv.

So to pass this check all we had to do was pass some parameter which verifies with our initial random execution of the binary.

Next was a check of strlen((char*)param_2[1] == 0x34). This means that the length of whatever was the parameter that we had to send was 52 characters. We can verify this by sending in some random string of exactly 52 characters in length which would produce the message stating that it was not the correct flag instead of the message that states bad length.

Now we need to address the huge equation. Let us taken the first few parts of the equation:

if ((((((((((
    (*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x1c) & 0x20) == 0) &&
    ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x24) & 0x10) != 0)) &&
    ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2f) & 0x20) != 0)) &&
    (((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x20) & 0x20) != 0 &&
    ((*(byte *)(param_2[1] + 0x2b) & 4) != 0)))) &&

On seeing the equation we actually find the following points upfront:

  1. Each condition was identical in the sense that:
    • it took a specific character from the string
    • performed a bitwise & operation with some number
    • finally checked if the result was equal to 0 in some cases and otherwise in some cases
  2. Next each of the conditions were all connected with the logical && operator. What this meant is that we can squash out all the brackets used to group the parts. It was just equivalent to all equations connected by a logical && as one huge equation. The order does not matter.
  3. There were one or two exceptions mentioned below but they were just variants of the above meant to confuse us.
    • some parts had no equality check which inherently means that it check if the result is 0.
    • some parts used decimal number or unsigned integers to provide either the offset or the value to perform the bitwise operation.
    • this meant we had to be a bit more careful while feed int the equation.

So now we have the required parts:

  1. The tool to be used to solve an equation.
  2. A basic understanding of how to use it.
  3. A thorough understanding of the actual equation to be solved.

How do we even feed in such an equation to the solver ? Well this is where our creative skills come into play. I first just copied the whole equation to a text editor and applied few regex based find and replace to extract the required parts:

  1. The offset in the string
  2. The value used to perform a bitwise & with indication as to whether it was decimal or hex
  3. Whether it checked for an equal, not equal to 0 or did not check anything.

I formed this data a list of Python tuples which can then be iterated and fed into the z3.add() method to actually form the equation. The execution of the code with the result can be seen below:

Solver execution

Click here to view the file
from z3 import *

inp = BitVecs(" ".join(["inp_" + str(idx) for idx in range(53)]), 8)

s = Solver()
y = BitVecVal(5, 8)

vals = [
    (0x1C, 0x20, True),
    (0x24, 0x10, False),
    (0x2F, 0x20, False),
    (0x20, 0x20, False),
    (0x2B, 4, False),
    (0x32, 0x80, True),
    (0x2E, 4, False),
    (0x20, 0x80, True),
    (8, 4, True),
    (0x30, 0x10, False),
    (0x10, 0x80, True),
    (0x13, 8, True),
    (8, 0x40, False),
    (0x2B, 0x10, False),
    (0xF, 4, False),
    (0, 4, True),
    (0x2B, 8, True),
    (0x19, 0x40, False),
    (4, 1, False),
    (0x2B, 0x80, True),
    (0x2C, 8, True),
    (0x21, 0x20, False),
    (0x1D, 0x10, True),
    (0x21, 1, False),
    (0x1C, 0x40, False),
    (0x17, 0x40, False),
    (0x18, 1, False),
    (0x27, 0x20, False),
    (0x25, 4, True),
    (0xD, 0x80, True),
    (0x31, 0x20, False),
    (9, 4, False),
    (7, 0x20, False),
    (0x30, 4, True),
    (0x12, 4, True),
    (0x2D, 4, True),
    (0x1E, 0x10, False),
    (7, 0x10, True),
    (0x31, 0x40, False),
    (2, 0x80, True),
    (0xC, 0x40, False),
    (0x25, 8, True),
    (0x1D, 8, True),
    (0x1D, 0x20, False),
    (0x32, 2, False),
    (0x2D, 1, True),
    (10, 0x10, False),
    (0x28, 0x80, True),
    (0x12, 2, True),
    (0x2B, 1, False),
    (0x1A, 0x80, True),
    (0x33, 0x80, True),
    (0x14, 4, False),
    (0x1E, 8, False),
    (4, 0x10, True),
    (4, 0x80, True),
    (0x15, 0x40, False),
    (0x17, 0x80, True),
    (0xC, 0x10, False),
    (0x29, 1, False),
    (0xD, 0x20, False),
    (0x24, 1, True),
    (1, 1, True),
    (0x13, 0x80, True),
    (5, 0x80, True),
    (0x32, 0x40, True),
    (8, 0x10, False),
    (0x23, 8, True),
    (9, 8, True),
    (0, 2, False),
    (0x15, 0x80, True),
    (7, 1, True),
    (0x29, 8, False),
    (3, 0x80, True),
    (0xE, 2, False),
    (0x16, 2, False),
    (0x17, 1, False),
    (0x27, 2, False),
    (0x10, 0x20, True),
    (6, 8, True),
    (0x1A, 1, True),
    (0x1E, 4, False),
    (0x1A, 2, False),
    (0x1E, 0x80, True),
    (0x16, 0x80, True),
    (0x23, 0x10, True),
    (0x30, 1, False),
    (0x21, 4, False),
    (4, 4, False),
    (0x24, 0x80, True),
    (0x1F, 8, False),
    (1, 2, True),
    (0x22, 4, False),
    (0x10, 1, False),
    (3, 0x10, True),
    (0x16, 0x10, False),
    (0x2A, 1, False),
    (0xB, 1, False),
    (1, 0x10, False),
    (2, 4, False),
    (10, 8, True),
    (0x13, 1, False),
    (0x24, 8, True),
    (4, 8, True),
    (2, 1, True),
    (0x1B, 0x10, True),
    (9, 1, False),
    (0xD, 2, True),
    (5, 0x20, False),
    (0x11, 0x10, True),
    (0xD, 0x10, False),
    (0xD, 0x40, False),
    (3, 4, False),
    (7, 2, False),
    (0x10, 2, False),
    (0x20, 8, True),
    (0x23, 2, True),
    (0x31, 8, True),
    (0x1B, 4, False),
    (0x2F, 0x80, True),
    (0xD, 8, False),
    (1, 0x80, True),
    (0x26, 0x80, True),
    (0x24, 4, True),
    (0x33, 0x10, False),
    (0x17, 0x20, True),
    (6, 2, False),
    (0x23, 0x80, True),
    (0x14, 0x20, False),
    (9, 0x20, False),
    (0x2D, 0x20, False),
    (0xC, 2, False),
    (6, 0x10, False),
    (0x22, 8, False),
    (0x1A, 0x20, False),
    (0x17, 2, True),
    (0xE, 0x10, True),
    (0xC, 8, False),
    (0x22, 0x80, True),
    (0x10, 4, False),
    (3, 2, True),
    (0x31, 2, False),
    (0x16, 0x20, True),
    (0x15, 0x20, False),
    (0x29, 0x20, True),
    (0x25, 2, False),
    (0x12, 0x80, True),
    (7, 4, False),
    (0x2F, 4, False),
    (10, 2, True),
    (0xB, 0x80, True),
    (0x20, 4, True),
    (0x26, 0x40, False),
    (0, 0x10, True),
    (2, 0x40, False),
    (0x1C, 0x80, True),
    (0x2B, 0x40, False),
    (0x2F, 8, False),
    (0x2C, 0x20, False),
    (0x18, 0x20, False),
    (9, 2, False),
    (6, 4, True),
    (0x31, 4, True),
    (0, 8, True),
    (0xB, 0x40, False),
    (5, 1, False),
    (0x14, 8, False),
    (0x2F, 0x40, False),
    (0x26, 8, False),
    (0x19, 4, False),
    (0x21, 0x80, True),
    (5, 8, True),
    (0x28, 0x10, True),
    (0x19, 0x10, False),
    (0x25, 1, False),
    (2, 8, True),
    (0x2A, 0x40, False),
    (9, 0x10, False),
    (0x2E, 0x80, True),
    (0x29, 4, False),
    (0x29, 0x10, False),
    (0x1D, 0x80, True),
    (0, 0x20, True),
    (0x25, 0x40, True),
    (0x19, 0x80, True),
    (0x17, 0x10, True),
    (0x1B, 1, True),
    (0xF, 0x10, False),
    (0x1F, 0x40, False),
    (0x2A, 0x10, True),
    (10, 0x20, False),
    (0x30, 0x40, True),
    (0xF, 0x80, True),
    (0x1C, 8, True),
    (0x27, 1, False),
    (0x28, 2, False),
    (0x32, 4, True),
    (0x27, 0x10, False),
    (0x2A, 4, False),
    (0x2D, 8, False),
    (0xD, 4, True),
    (0x33, 0x20, False),
    (0x15, 8, True),
    (0x20, 2, True),
    (0x1D, 4, False),
    (0x1E, 1, False),
    (0x2C, 2, False),
    (3, 8, False),
    (10, 0x80, True),
    (0x33, 2, True),
    (0x26, 1, False),
    (0x13, 0x40, False),
    (0x27, 0x40, False),
    (0x1B, 0x20, False),
    (0x2D, 0x40, False),
    (2, 2, False),
    (0x1B, 8, False),
    (0xB, 0x10, False),
    (0x18, 0x40, False),
    (5, 2, True),
    (0x19, 2, False),
    (0x1A, 0x40, False),
    (0x18, 4, True),
    (4, 0x40, False),
    (0x2F, 0x10, True),
    (0x29, 0x40, False),
    (0x22, 0x10, False),
    (0x23, 0x40, False),
    (5, 4, True),
    (0x15, 2, True),
    (0x2D, 0x10, True),
    (0x24, 2, False),
    (0x28, 0x40, False),
    (0x15, 4, False),
    (0x13, 4, False),
    (0xC, 0x80, True),
    (0x2A, 2, True),
    (1, 8, True),
    (0x10, 0x10, False),
    (0x23, 4, True),
    (0xD, 1, False),
    (1, 0x40, False),
    (0x2E, 1, False),
    (0x1F, 0x10, False),
    (0x26, 4, False),
    (0x2F, 2, False),
    (0x26, 2, False),
    (0x25, 0x80, True),
    (0x1C, 2, True),
    (10, 0x40, True),
    (0x2E, 0x10, False),
    (0x27, 0x80, True),
    (0x2E, 0x20, True),
    (0x1F, 1, False),
    (0x25, 0x10, False),
    (0, 1, False),
    (0x11, 0x20, False),
    (0xB, 0x20, False),
    (0x31, 0x80, True),
    (0x12, 8, True),
    (0x16, 0x40, False),
    (0x1C, 4, True),
    (0xE, 8, False),
    (0x30, 8, True),
    (6, 0x40, False),
    (0xC, 0x20, True),
    (0x30, 0x20, False),
    (0x1F, 4, True),
    (0x2E, 0x40, False),
    (0x21, 8, True),
    (0x2A, 0x80, True),
    (0xF, 1, False),
    (0x18, 0x80, True),
    (0xC, 4, False),
    (0x15, 0x10, True),
    (0x15, 1, True),
    (0x1F, 0x20, False),
    (0x1A, 4, False),
    (0x33, 0x40, False),
    (0x2A, 0x20, False),
    (0xC, 1, False),
    (0xF, 8, True),
    (0x1B, 0x80, True),
    (0x22, 2, False),
    (6, 0x20, False),
    (0x17, 8, False),
    (0x27, 4, True),
    (0x12, 1, True),
    (0x20, 0x10, False),
    (0x1C, 1, True),
    (0x2E, 2, False),
    (0xB, 2, False),
    (0x1C, 0x10, True),
    (0x1D, 2, False),
    (0x2F, 1, True),
    (0x11, 4, False),
    (0xE, 0x20, False),
    (0x2B, 2, True),
    (0x1F, 0x80, True),
    (0x1F, 2, True),
    (0x23, 0x20, True),
    (0xF, 0x40, False),
    (0x1E, 0x20, True),
    (0x2D, 0x80, True),
    (9, 0x40, False),
    (7, 8, False),
    (0, 0x80, True),
    (0x26, 0x20, True),
    (0x25, 0x20, False),
    (0x16, 1, False),
    (0x32, 0x10, False),
    (0x33, 4, False),
    (0x2C, 0x10, True),
    (0x19, 0x20, True),
    (0x22, 0x20, True),
    (0x2C, 0x80, True),
    (5, 0x10, True),
    (0, 0x40, False),
    (0x14, 0x10, True),
    (8, 8, False),
    (0x11, 0x80, True),
    (0x23, 1, False),
    (0x21, 0x10, False),
    (0x20, 1, True),
    (0x27, 8, True),
    (4, 0x20, False),
    (0x16, 4, False),
    (0xE, 0x80, True),
    (0x14, 0x80, True),
    (0x14, 2, False),
    (0x17, 4, False),
    (0x2B, 0x20, False),
    (0x22, 1, False),
    (0x24, 0x20, False),
    (0x2E, 8, False),
    (0x1E, 2, False),
    (8, 0x20, False),
    (0x11, 2, False),
    (0x1B, 2, True),
    (0x13, 2, True),
    (7, 0x80, True),
    (3, 1, True),
    (1, 0x20, True),
    (0x1E, 0x40, False),
    (5, 0x40, False),
    (0x22, 0x40, False),
    (0x1A, 0x10, True),
    (3, 0x40, False),
    (0x29, 0x80, True),
    (0x28, 1, False),
    (0x2D, 2, True),
    (1, 4, False),
    (0x1A, 8, True),
    (0x30, 0x80, True),
    (0x19, 8, False),
    (0x11, 0x40, False),
    (0x1D, 1, False),
    (0x21, 0x40, False),
    (0x1B, 0x40, False),
    (0x19, 1, False),
    (10, 1, True),
    (4, 2, True),
    (0x28, 4, False),
    (8, 2, False),
    (0xF, 2, True),
    (0xE, 1, False),
    (10, 4, True),
    (0x2A, 8, False),
    (0x32, 8, True),
    (0x26, 0x10, False),
    (0x32, 1, False),
    (2, 0x10, True),
    (0x33, 1, False),
    (0x2C, 4, True),
    (0x1D, 0x40, False),
    (0x10, 0x40, False),
    (0x18, 0x10, False),
    (0x12, 0x20, False),
    (0x12, 0x40, True),
    (0x14, 0x40, False),
    (0x20, 0x40, True),
    (0xB, 4, False),
    (3, 0x20, False),
    (2, 0x20, True),
    (7, 0x40, False),
    (0x29, 2, False),
    (0x31, 0x10, True),
    (9, 0x80, True),
    (0x30, 2, True),
    (0x18, 2, True),
    (0x24, 0x40, False),
    (0x11, 1, True),
    (0x12, 0x10, False),
    (0x13, 0x10, False),
    (0x32, 0x20, False),
    (0x28, 0x20, False),
    (0x2C, 0x40, False),
    (0x33, 8, False),
    (0xE, 4, False),
    (6, 0x80, True),
    (0x11, 8, True),
    (0x16, 8, False),
    (0x21, 2, True),
    (0x14, 1, True),
    (6, 1, True),
    (0x13, 0x20, False),
    (8, 0x80, True),
    (0x10, 8, False),
    (0xF, 0x20, False),
    (0xB, 8, True),
    (0x18, 8, False),
    (0xE, 0x40, False),
    (0x28, 8, False),
    (0x31, 1, False),
    (0x2C, 1, False),

def getexpr(offset: int, bitwiseval: int, is_equal_zero: True):
    global inp

    if is_equal_zero is None:
        return inp[1 + offset] & BitVecVal(bitwiseval, 8)
    elif is_equal_zero:
        return (inp[1 + offset] & BitVecVal(bitwiseval, 8)) == 0
        return (inp[1 + offset] & BitVecVal(bitwiseval, 8)) != 0

s.add(And([getexpr(off, bw, is_eq) for (off, bw, is_eq) in vals]))


The above solves the equation for us and gives us with an array with the input id denoted by inp_<index of character> (eg: inp_10). We need to copy the resulting model, sort it by the index and then convert each integer to its character. I used a some regex to format the output as a list of Python tuples and then process it with a small Python snippet.

Click here to view the snippet
# output obtained from Z3
x = [("inp_16",117),("inp_50",99),("inp_1",67),("inp_31",95),("inp_21",110),("inp_44",117),

# sort the list by the integer after inp_ in the 
# first entry of each tuple in the list
x.sort(key=lambda x: int(x[0].split("_")[1]))

# convert each value to its character and concatenate
"".join([chr(y) for z,y in x])

After the above we get a flag string as CTFlearnzw0w_you_f0und_My_fl@g_y0u_Ar3_so_much_n1c3}, but the actual flag is of the format CTFlearn{...}. So I presume I had copied some specific value wrong in the equation leading to this discrepancy, however it was obvious the z needs to be replaced with {. The actual flag was CTFlearn{w0w_you_f0und_My_fl@g_y0u_Ar3_so_much_n1c3}.

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Page last modified: 20 Feb, 2022 at 03:28 PM .